Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Oh, the Holidays......

Originally uploaded by KnitTurtle
A hand model I am not, but these are Fetching (from Knitty-sorry, I'm too lazy to link) in Jasper. They were a very quick knit, and my first cable experience. If anything, I would have made them longer, and I added rows as it was. Tight knitter. Bitches.

So the Holidays.......well. So maybe I started a fight on Christmas day, and that was only the beginning! My cousin's got this still-married-to-someone-else fiance. Do not care for him. He's smarmy. For real.

So I mention my concerns to her, cause we're close, and either she told him what I said (which makes her an idiot), or he overheard (which is impossible-clearly she's just an idiot). Either way however he must have reacted upset her to the point of tears, and they left. Now-it is important to restate that *I* wasn't the one that upset her-his reaction is what upset her. Now this only goes to prove my point that he's an asshole. I'm just sayin'.

So then my other cousin, Todd, was making comments all last night about the fiance. And ok-it was funny. They were there briefly, but left because they were have a New Year's Eve/Engagement part at their house. To which none of the family was invited. (Which Todd commented on-again, funny.) Even if we had been invited-they picked the one day that they knew everyone in the family would not be able to attend. There is just something about this guy. We do not like him.

But it's her life and blah blah blah or whatever......you know mental abuse often turns physical. Just FYI. I put my .02 in, and that's all I can do. I just worry about her.

What else happened? My cousins that have chitlins bailed before midnight. Which left me and Todd as the only cousins there to ring in the New Year. My brother was at home in bed. Clearly he leads the exciting life.

I'm sure I should be going on and on about the New Year, and a new start to some things, and hopes for 2008. But I kind of think resolutions are bullshit. You want to do something? Why wait until the New Year? Do it 'today'. (I know it's New Year's Day-ya'll know what I mean. Honestly.)

I just don't get this whole 'Oh, this the year I'm gonna do this' or 'this is the year I'm gonna quit that'. If ya really wanted to do it-you'd have done it by now. People need to get their heads out of their asses and face reality. I'm just sayin'.

I do believe in goals though. Like planning to learn a new hobby by this time next year, or get something accomplished by this time next year. You could do this type of planning anytime of the year. I'm talking in circles-I know.

My point is that people either want to lose weight, or quit something. (spending money, smoking, drinking, lace work-whatever). I just don't understand why they have to make the new year the starting point. You know what people who make resolutions like that do? The whole week before New Year's they like freak out and binge eat, or chain smoke, or whatever. Then, 3 weeks later, when they fail, it's a much bigger deal because of that all important starting date. And they just forget all about their resolutions until the next year, when the cycle starts all over again.

Whew-let me get off my soapbox here and settle down a little.

Today went really fast, and work tomorrow is probably going to go slow. It's going to be that kind of week. Ah well....

The holidays are over, and overall they were .....interesting. I guess. I ate too much, made an enemy of someone who will likely join the family, and just survived it. We really need to start drinking at these things. Honestly. Maybe my father's family has the right idea. We get there at 11 or 12 on Christmas Eve, and they are already into their cups. Might be the way to go...(Just kidding-ya'll know I rarely drink!)

So Happy New Year!!! I wish you all the best in the year to come. If you make resolutions, I truly wish you good luck, and if you make goals, I hope you accomplish them. Me? I'm gonna look to the future with a smile, live in the present as much as I can, and try to learn from the past.

Happy Knitting!

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