Sunday, November 18, 2007

Mom's Socks

Mom's Socks
Originally uploaded by KnitTurtle
I don't think I had posted these. I have had them finished for some time....but I just hadn't posted them. The stripe on the left foot matches the stripe on the bottom of the right foot. Go figure.

So life has been good-just busy. New job and Yeah. But it's good.

And the Christmas knitting. Oh my word, the Christmas knitting! 6 and a half dishcloths to go!! And I'm more then half donr my brother's hat. Then it will be a mad dash with Mom's socks. If I can go into December with only 3 dishcloths and the socks to finish, I'll be grinnin'.

Meanwhile, I had a baby shower to go to today(hopefully the last for a while-us non-breeders get really tired of these things.). I didn't want to take any of the Christmas gifts, so I started Fetching in Jasper. My first experience in cables, and I chose a project that is knit in the round. Clearly I have issues. But I must say they are looking good. I love love love the yarn-it is so yummy!! And really-the patterns is not hard.

But I'm home now, so it's back to dishcloths until Thanksgiving day, when I'll be back to working on the wrist warmers. I'll need them-well, I was going to say soon, but it's more like now. When we arrived home today, it was snowing and there was a dusting already on the ground.

Anywho-this is not getting the dishcloths done. Better go!

Happy Knitting!!!

1 comment:

Wen said...

They turned out so lovely! Can't wait to see Fetching tomorrow night! Woowoo!