Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ya Know......

So I went to this yarn store yesterday, which I will not name, and it was one of THOSE places. I was stalked by a women who had her arms crossed (an employee). It was not a big place. At all. I guess I looked shady. I don't know. There were other customers in the store. I was not greeted, just watched. Closely. And really, this women, who was not the owner, didn't really stop watching me until other customers drew her attention away. I hate when I go into places like that. I fully understand that there are people who steal things. I get that. But giving people the benefit of the doubt seems to have gotten lost in the 50's.

Anyway, given that I was stalked, would that fact alone make me not go back? No, probably not. The reason I will probably not go back is because of the yarn selection. Granted, there was Encore, and Noro, which you can get at just about any yarn store, but most of the yarn there was ribbon yarn. To each their own, but I'm probably not going to shop in a yarn store that has mostly novelty yarns. They did have some sock yarn that was dyed by a local women, and I bought a hank of that. I also got some of those diaper pin type stitch markers, and a couple of small project bags(also made by the local woman-nice fabric ones, very inexpensive).

But unless I need something that I had only seen there, I don't think I'll be going back.

The experience I had at this store made me think of the local yarn stores in this area, and which ones really stand out to me. The yarn store closest to me(about 5 min drive) is nothing special, but a good place to buy sock yarn, as that seems to be what she is most interested in. They also have the usual felting yarns, and if I didn't feel like going far, and needed Lamb's Pride, or Galway, or Encore, I would go pick some up there.

There is another store about 10-15 minutes from me, in West Reading, that I enjoy for their sale rooms. If I'm on a budget, I'll go there. The majority of the yarn I liked there seemed to be 100% wool. Lovely-but hand wash only, and therfore not a preferred yarn(by me).

However, my favorite yarn shop is about 25 minutes from me, and they have a wide range of diffrent yarns. The usual Lamb's Pride and Encore, and stuff, but also the yarns that I prefer that I haven't seen locally. Like Cascade 220 ( regular AND superwash), a bunch of diffrent Berroco yarns, Lopi, etc. And the best thing about this shop is that she just started a frequent buyer program where you earn points to have a certain percent off a future purchase. Now, a yarn store that does that AND has a lot of good yarns is one I'm going the visit often.

I guess it comes down to individual taste at the end of the day. What do YOU look for in a yarn shop? I must say that when I'm stalked, I don't feel like I've enjoyed my yarn shop experience. I don't feel like I've been allowed to peruse at my leisure. I feel pressured. Like I have to buy something to prove I didn't steal anything. When I rang out, I made a point of saying I didn't need the tissue paper at the bottom of the bags, and made a show of pulling it all out to prove that I wasn't hiding anything in the bag. I shouldn't have to feel like that.

So that was my yesterday. Today I'm up to my ass with the Christmas knitting. I have 3 and 1/2 dishcloths to go!! I've made a deal with myself that if I finish the one I'm working on, I can work on fetching for 2 hours. And then I won't start the December cloths until it actually IS December. A short break from them will be nice. Plus, I have a hat to finish, and a pair of socks that are barely started. And that's only the knitting-I haven't even started my Christmas shopping yet. Sigh......where does the time go?

Happy Knitting!!!


Wen said...

Geeze, Louise! I think I'd have to say something... like, "may I help you!!?!?" How unnerving and irritating!

At least its not a hot spot for cool stuff. Now you don't have to feel bad for not going back. Everything I've ever heard about that shop (if we are talking about B&S) has been SO positive.


B said...

Hi secret pal! I got your package last week and was going to post a great grand finale thank you on my blog, but my camera is not functioning properly. You put together some really great packages during all that drama! Thanks so much, you were a great secret pal!
That sucks that you had a bad yarn store experience. I'll choose friendly people over yarn any time. My LYS has one of those programs too, and after you spend $1000, you 're a "diva" and you get discounts and a free class.