Sunday, July 15, 2007


Ahhh.....Sunday. Slept in. Went to lunch with my sister. Signed up for Secret Pal 11. It's been a good day. Not like yesterday. Went to Harrisburg to see the new Harry Potter film in 3D at the IMAX theater. Oh-it was an awesome movie, and Mom treated for Red Lobster. But an entire day spent with my family? My patience pants were wrapped around my neck!

The funniest part had to have been my 32 year old sister getting yelled at like she was 10 because she kept complaing about driving around for a parking spot. My parents do not do pay parking. They will walk 20 blocks before they will pay to park. It's not a money issue. It's the fact that you have to pay at all. To park. Um. Yeah. I don't go out with them very often. Yesterday reminded me why. And I was threatened to be kicked out of the car with my sister, as she was complaining. Not quite sure how *I* got involved. Well-it could have been the fact that I offered to go halves with my sister for the parking garage fee......but anyway.

On the stressful drive to Harrisburg (bad driver-very scary) I was knitting my Trekking sock and got lots done! Next, I think I'll do a Jaywalker sock. A friend at SnB did them, and said the pattern was fun. So I'm super excited about that!

And of course SP11. Super, super excited about that!!!!!

I have been given Christmas present requests, so I've begun knitting those up. If I didn't love knitting so very much, I might be a little peeved about the requests. But as I live to knit, this is not a problem. I'm happy to have "next project" things. It's good to have goals, and Christmas is a short 5 and a half months away.

I've got so much coming up with Knit-Ins, and stuff, I just can't wait!!!

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