Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Hello! Did you see the pictures of my brother? Too funny! Him and his
shirt tan! He wasn't really unhappy with his haircut. Yes, I cut my
brother's hair. It's the deal we have-he changes the oil in my car, I
cut his hair. Might be some pictures of the dog coming soon too!

Today was typical, boring, busy for unknown reasons. I've been trying get my
top-down sweater moving. It's terribly boring-just stockinette for an
absurd length. But I always do what I least want to do first-to get it
over with. And I feel like I can't enjoy my socks while this unfinished
sweater is glaring at me from my knitting bag. It mocks me sometimes.
"Come on-just one row", it whispers, "It won't take much time-just one
row-maybe two." It's sneaky like that because I tend to fall for it,
and start knitting it-('Just one row' I promise myself) And that onefrieakin
' row takes like twenty minutes! But by then, I'm in my groove, and the
sound of my needles click-clicking together sooths my nerves and takes
my stress away like nothing else. And I'm hooked. Two hours later, my
leg is asleep from toe to butt and I've accomplished an amount that
can't even be counted in inches. But I'm so relaxed that I don't care.

Then the socks start whispering from their dpns..............

1 comment:

Wen said...

Hehee! I love it that your knitting is whispering to you! Mine too, my second sock toe is almost done, only 28 stitches left on the needles and just a few more rounds until I can close.

I was knitting at 7:45 this morning. Its madness I tell you!!!