Monday, October 8, 2007

Happy October?

It's hard to believe it's October. Yes-this year has gone pretty fast, but that's not what I mean. I mean that it is 8 o'clock at night on October 8th, and it's 81 degrees. That is crazy. And a little unfair-I feel like I'm being cheated out of my faovrite time of year. It was 90 degrees at 3pm today! In friggin' October!!!

In other news...I finished Mom's socks, which I gave to her. Those were the ones that she bought the yarn for. I must say-people talk about second sock syndrome, but for me the second sock goes soooo much faster then the first one! After the first one, it's all downhill!

I also finished another dischcloth, which move my total still to knit to 17. But it's going to be mainly what I work on for the time being.

I have one more pair of socks to knit, and my brother's hat, and of course the dishcloths for Christmas knitting, so I feel like it's do-able. It'd feel a heck of a lot more like Christmas knitting if the weather would cooperate.

So that's the update. In life news, I'm back to waiting. I had an important thing today that I think went pretty well, but we'll see in the coming days.

Back to knitting. Watching Dancing with the Stars-then Heroes!!!YAY!!! Love that show!!

Happy Knitting!!


Anonymous said...

hey this is my favorite time of the year too!! what a bust huh? hope all went well.

Wen said...

Oooh can't wait to hear about the "thing."