Wednesday, June 6, 2007

June KAL

June KAL
Originally uploaded by writing_alyssa
Ok, so here is the June dishcloth (or dishrag, as we say in my house!) and I think it came out pretty good! I plan on casting on my 2nd trekking sock tonight. Again, not afraid of 'second sock syndrome' . I'm excited. Love doing a basic, stockinette sock. To me-it's better then doing some fancy shmancy pattern that you have to be all careful about. Piss on that! But-I am not anti-pattern or anything. I enjoy the challenge of the pattern, but it's nice to do something mindless that-to others-seems all complicated. It's all in the yarn baby! Love the yarn that does the stripes all by itself. So fun!

going to SnB tomorrow! Can't wait to show off my dishcloth. And have a nice big coffee. And maybe a pretzel. I love Thursdays! (And sometimes Mondays!!)

See ya! Happy knitting!

1 comment:

Wen said...

You are cracking me up. "Piss on that!" I was just reading your blog outloud to Don, trying to tell him about you a bit. We are both rolling.

I MISS YOU! You are knitting, I am not! Waaaah!