Sunday, June 3, 2007


Back to work tomorrow, after a relaxing weekend of knitting. I finished June's dishcloth. I'll post the photo later. Worked a tiny bit on the sweater. Sat on my butt all weekend chilling out. It was awesome! But now it's the dreaded Sunday night. Remember in school, when Sunday night meant the end of the fun weekend time, and sleeping in, and stuff? Life has not changed much. Except now I have to drive my own ass there. My life is exactly like high school. Still have to be somewhere at a certain time 5 days a week, and I can't leave until a certain time. I still have to put my name and the date at the top of a pice of paper before I put anything else on it. There are still the popular people, and the not so popular people. There are still cliques, and people too cool to be friends with certain other people. And everyone still gossips. The "real world" you are supposed to enter after high school is just like high school. Except they pay you for your time. And you have bills, and that is where the "have to" things come in. Yes, I have to work. I work to pay for the car that takes me to work. I work for the gas that fuels the car that takes me to work. I work to pay for the clothes I wear to work. I work to pay for the "fun" stuff I need to do because I'm stressed about work. Ok-I'm done.

So, everyone have a good week. Keep walking past the open windows.

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