Friday, August 24, 2007

It is Done!

I have done everything in my power to secure my future. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. It is no longer in my hands!!! Well, for now. Until the ball falls into my court again, which it will. In time. But for now-now I am secure in the knowledge that I have done what I can, and the chips will fall where they fall.

I have been super productive today! Aside from the working-the-entire-day thing, I have cleaned out my car, I have shaved my legs, my resume is updated, and uploaded, I have grocery shopped, I have one bill to pay, which I will do when I get my butt of my computer, I have just caught myself up to myself. (And I got up early enough to exercise this morn. YAY!) Life is what you make of it, and I say it's good (for now)!

I have not done a stitch of knitting, but once that pesky bill is paid, and I've switched knitting bags, I think I'll whip out the dishcloth for the KAL and do a few rows.

Best get crackin'!!

Happy Knitting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah time to knit!!